Closing celebration of Palm Beach Photographic Centre’s exhibition of never-before-seen portraits of Beat Generation icons to celebrate the centre’s 35th Anniversary
This exhibition features over 70 images and stunning enlargements of iconic, culture-bending poets, activists, and artists of the Beat Generation, including Allen Ginsberg, Lenore Kandel, Kenneth Rexroth, and many others
Appearing live at the event read, remember and share are: Ed Sanders, John Kruth, Peter Yarrow (pending health in November), Curtis Wong, Michael Basinski + Donald Metz, Kenneth Irby, Richard Blau, Jeff Simon, Thomas Southall, Rebekkah Pavlov, Peer Bode, William Heyen and a live televised appearance by Anne Waldman
with: Brenda Knight (Writer - Women Of The Beat Generation), Jessica Hagedorn, Lawson Inada
This collection of images taken in the 1960s and ’70s by little-known poet/ photographer/activist Joey Tranchina were stored away for nearly 50 years before being discovered by his son in 2018 and later shared with critic and art historian Dr. Anthony Bannon and art consultant and producer Dolores Lusitana
opening event in October details here - please note - the closing event November 27-29, 2023 details are to come